15 MAY 1915, Page 1

We have written of the relations of the United States

and Germany elsewhere. We need only record here that President Wilson has sent a Note to Germany which asks for a guarantee that non-combatants shall be able to enjoy their legal right to travel in personal safety in any unarmed vessel, belligerent or otherwise. Mr. Wilson points out that in his previous Note be did not give any sanction to the German submarine methods as against any ships, and he adds that the warning that the ' Lusitania'

would be sunk did not in any way diminish the illegality of the act. If Mr. Wilson's request for a guarantee were granted, there would be an end of the German submarine campaign. We take it that Germany will not consent. On the other hand, Mr. Wilson certainly does not wish to go to war. We have examined elsewhere the possibilities that may arise from these opposed facts.