hope you will allow me to place before your readers the pressing claims of the Wounded Allies Relief Committee, of which I have the honour to be Chairman. The original object of this Committee, which was inaugurated immediately on the outbreak of the war, was the placing of wounded Belgian soldiers in homes on the English sea-coast. The inevitable developments of this work soon showed themselves in the establishment of a register of the men's names, a post-office for such of their letters as could not be forwarded through ordinary channels, and later by the equipment of homes for the disabled. Nor does the Committee overlook the require- ments of the Belgian Army in the field, in the way of stores, motor-ambulances, and caravans fitted with hot baths and soup-kitchens.
Very soon, moreover, it became apparent that Belgium was not the only ally with urgent needs. The sorely taxed medical resources of France and the typhus-ravaged cities of Serbia and Montenegro have in turn demanded attention—and have got it. The Committee now supports three hospitals in France, each treating well over a hundred cases weekly, and the French military authorities pay these institutions the compli- ment of sending to them the most severe cases. A typhoid hospital of a hundred beds is now being established at Kragnjevac, the headquarters of the Serbian Army, and, acting on the report of its own Sanitary Commission, the Committee will shortly despatch a typhus unit to Montenegro.
In this rough outline of its activities I have not mentioned numerous and substantial money grants to various institutions for the wounded in Belgium and France and to the Serbian Red Cross. I trust, however, that I have given some notion of the far-reaching work of the Committee and of its interest to all those who regard the welfare of our allies as the natural concern of this, an Allied country which has not suffered invasion. Subscriptions will be warmly welcomed by the Hon. Treasurer, T. 0. Roberts, Esq. (manager), London County and Westminster Bank, 217 Strand, W.0.-1 am,