James Graham
The promoters of a centralized management of the Water Supply of the Metropolis in-the hands of Government, are not to be diverted from their purpose by the unfavourable judgment pronounced on their project last session by the Committee of which Sir was chairman. • A Government notice has appeared in the adver- tising columns of the Times, for a bill to authorize the purchase of the works of the present Companies, and the establishment of a compulsory rate, exactly .sirailar in principle to. that which was unanimously rejected b the Committee after thirty-five days' in- have been prevented from coming forward-- ; in' order t in- quiry. To palliate sue -pertinacity, the promoters of the measure will need to malAing_ a better case than they did last session. It is understood fllatN91000/. of the Got ernment money was then spent in promoting-the bill; andat least 35,000/. was spent by the old Water Companiei in making ont,their case against it Nor is the waste of money the worst featUre:d the transaction : the old Companies have for several sessions bees debarred from obtaining
permission to improve and extend their woiks, and new ponies ment might have time to devise a practicable and se .
Government has failed -to propose a plan that .1041 obtain-the" sanction of an unbiassed Committee of the Legislature,- and it has prevented all other persons from propotiing any plans 'of improved water-supply. This is tyranny.