The Ecclesiastical 'titles Bill Remains A Dead Letter.,...
Catholic . prelates assume and are ca ll ed - by theill pro- hibited titles, yet no steps are taken to enforce the law. -On this side of the Irish Channel,no one appears to take......
The National Assembly Of France Has Rejected Louis Na-...
projet de lei for the repeal of the law of May 31, by the narrow majority of 7 votes-335 against 348. The small- ness of the majority amounts to an assurance—if anything can be......
Tkg Court.
THE Heir-apparent attained his tenth birthday on Sunday, and the event was duly celebrated on Monday by joyful demonstrations at the Castle and in the town of Windsor, The Queen......
Chu 3ifttrovolro.
The 9th of November, on which day, " for time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary," the newly-elected Lord Mayor of London has gone to Westminster Hall to be......
The Presidential Canvass In The United States Has Fairly...
It will agitate the Union for a whole year. As with our "'Derby," more horses are named than are likely to start—three on the Whig, and as many on the Democratic side. In so far......