The Ecclesiastical 'titles Bill Remains A Dead Letter.,...
Catholic . prelates assume and are ca ll ed - by theill pro- hibited titles, yet no steps are taken to enforce the law. -On this side of the Irish Channel,no one appears to take......
News Of The Week.
THE Kossuth demonstrations in the manufacturing districts have exceeded in magnitude and earnestness any that preceded them. This was to be expected. These displays are......
The Returns Of Board Of .trade, For The First Ten
months of 1851, are chiefly interesting as illustrative of the commercial im- portance of our Colonies and Dependencies. The value of the pro- duce and manufactures of this......
James Graham
The promoters of a centralized management of the Water Supply of the Metropolis in - the hands of Government, are not to be diverted from their purpose by the unfavourable......