15 NOVEMBER 1851, Page 9

The Queen held a Privy Council and Court, at Windsor

Castle, yester- day. The Council was fully attended. At the Court, Senor Isturitz, the Spanish Minister, and Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, had audiences.

Last night's Gazette notifies the appointment of Christopher Temple, Esq., to be Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham, an honorary of in room of Sir Richard Kindersley, appointed a Vice-Chancellor.

We understand that the Very Reverend Dr. Newman has been unani- mously elected to the office of President of the Irish Catholic University. —Morning Chronicle.

The Senatus Academicus of the University of St. Andrew's have una- nimously made choice of the Duke of Argyll to be Chancellor of the Uni- versity, in room of Viscount Melville.

Tho departure of Kossuth for the United States has been put off till the 20th. He goes by the American steam-ship Humboldt, which is to call at Cow;es on her way from Havre to New York.

It is stated that General Cavaignac is about to be married to Mademoi selle Odier, the daughter of the banker of that name. The lady has, it is said, a wedding portion of one million of francs.

Mr. George Malik, Solicitor to the Treasury, died at his residence in Wilton Crescent yesterday evening, after a short illness.