15 NOVEMBER 1884, Page 22

Heroes of American Discovery. By N. D'Anvers. (Marcus Ward and

Co.)—Miss D'Anvers has added another volume to her inter- esting and valuable series of "stories of discovery." This time she takes us from Africa to America, not going, however, beyond the Northern Continent. After an account of early Scandinavian voyagers, she comes of coarse to Columbus. A second chapter tells us, amongst other things, of Nunez de Balboa, Ponce de Leon, and their contemporaries and early successors. The work of English, French, and Dutch explorers and settlers is described in some detail ; the Jesuits on the West coast, the early voyagers on the Mississippi and the Arkansas, and others are treated in turn. The Mormon emigration and the rush of diggers to the Californian gold-fields, have a chapter allotted to them. Altogether, this is a carefully written and agreeable volume.