The Liberals Of Hackney Have Very Wisely Fixed On Professor
Stuart—who contested with so much spirit the University of Cambridge against Mr. Raikes--as successor to Mr. Fawcett; and we heartily hope-that he will be elected by an even......
Mr. Gladstone Did Not Attend The Lord Mayor's Banquet At
the Guildhall on Monday, having to pilot the Franchise Bill through Committee ; but most of the remaining Cabinet Ministers were present, and three made interesting speeches.......
Lord Carnarvon, On Thursday, Brought Up The Question Of...
the great coaling-stations, in a speech which, though moderate in temper, and full of knowledge, was really an accusation against the Government of gross neglect. He admitted......
The British Effort To Mediate Between France And China Has
as yet come to nothing, and, indeed, is reported to have been broken off. Lord Granville, it is said, demanded a preliminary agree- ment between the two Powers—" the well......
The Lord Mayor's Show This Year Was Unusually...
Nottage utilising the scenic capabilities involved in our Asiatic position. Asia always looks well on a stage or in a procession, and elephants with howdahs and camels......
Lord Kimberley's Opinion On A Crisis Is Often Worth Atten-
tion. He does not refine, he is perfectly good-humoured, and he is not the least of an alarmist. His brother Peers, therefore,. might do worse than listen to the opinion which......
After This Sir Richard Cross Did His Best To Explain
away the tone of his Friday's speech, and to accommodate it to Mr. Lowther's views ; and, after a short conversation, the Franchise Bill was read a third time without a division......
To This Mr. Gladstone Replied With Crushing Force, That Sir
Robert Peel had declined all communication with the Government in 1831 on the very excellent ground that he was opposed to Parliamentary Reform, and was determined to be......