The Legislature Of Jamaica Has Decided, By An Almost Unani-
mous vote, that they have no desire for the federation of their island with Canada. That project, therefore, may be considered dropped, and it remains to secure for the Colonies......
The Liberals Of Hackney Have Very Wisely Fixed On Professor
Stuart—who contested with so much spirit the University of Cambridge against Mr. Raikes--as successor to Mr. Fawcett; and we heartily hope-that he will be elected by an even......
Our Readers Should Notice An Intimation, Said To Be...
that a strong French squadron has been ordered from Toulon to Tangiers. M. Ferry has not given up his design upon Morocco, and if he is obliged to retire from China, will......
The Vote Of A Million For The Military Expenses Of
the Nile Expedition was proposed on Thursday by Lord Hartington, and passed in a thin House by 73 to 17, the opposition being confined to Sir W. Lawson and Mr. Labouchere,......
Lord Hartington Also Moved A Vote Of £750,000 For The
Expedition to Bechuanaland, which will be stronger than was expected. In the discussion which followed, the critics confined themselves mainly to attacks on the vacillation of......
There Has Been A Sharp Outbreak Of Cholera In Paris.
On three successive days the deaths have been 98, 89, and 81; and though this shows a certain tendency to abate, which may be due to the cold weather, it is too likely that any......
The Bishop Of Lichfield Has Done An Odd Thing In
giving out that he intends not to grant the licence to preach to curates who are only in Deacons' Orders. Usually, we believe, the Deacons' Orders only last for a year; and......
Mr. Fawcett Was Buried In Trumpington Churchyard On...
demonstrations of public mourning which were at once unique and universal. The Heads of Cambridge Colleges, University professors and students, three members of the Cabinet,......
The Catastrophe Which Appeared To Be Approaching In Skye...
it would seem, been averted. The poor crofters there, more especially upon the Glendale estate, and at trig, have lost their grazing-lands, which have been let to large farmers,......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 100f
to Mg.......