The Legislature of Jamaica has decided, by an almost unani-
mous vote, that they have no desire for the federation of their island with Canada. That project, therefore, may be considered dropped, and it remains to secure for the Colonies access to the market of the United States. The Government of Washington is not unwilling to give this access, as the States only produce one-sixth of the sugar required for internal consumption ; but they are afraid of the sugar-growers, who form part of the great Protectionist league. They are, moreover, anxious to make a commercial treaty with Spain ; and if they admit the produce both of Cuba and of the West India Islands, they will, as they anticipate, be flooded with tropical cheap sugar. It is probable that the recent Democratic victory will he favourable to the West Indies, as the present system is a redu ctio ad absurdum. of Protection. The whole North and West are taxed in order that a comparatively small number of Southern planters may raise sugar upon soil not precisely fitted for it, and therefore unable to compete with the tropical islands.