We have received the annual volume of Good Words (Isbister
and Co.), with its usual wealth of interesting contents and its excellent illustrations (five of which, pictures of scenery near Aix-les-Bains, are from the pencil of the Princess Beatrice). Among the more im- portant papers, we notice one by the Bishop of Chester on "Arthur, the mythic King," one by Professor W. Robertson Smith on " Mahommedan Mahdis," and another on "Edward Irving," by Dr. Walter C. Smith. Among the names of the contributors of scientific papers we find those of the Duke of Argyll, Mr. R. A. Proctor, and Sir Lyon Playfair. But it is impossible even to notice a selection of the varied contents of this handsome and valuable volume. We may mention that the serial stories are "Between the Heather and the Northern Sea," by Miss Liuskill, and "Beauty and the Beast," by Sarah Tytler.