15 NOVEMBER 1890, Page 21


Allen (G.), The Great Taboo, cr 8ro (Matto & Wiadus) 3/8

Allingliam (E.). New and Original Poems, or 8ro (Reeves & Turner) 4/0

Anglomanias, The, 12mo (Cassell & Co.) 4/0 Arabian Nights, from the Text of Jonathan Scott, 4 vols. 12mo...(Pickering) 21/0 Austin (8.), Little Princess Angel, er 8vo (W. Smith) 5/0 Baloh (E.), Glimpses of Old English Homes, imp. 8vo (Macmillan) 14/0 Ball (W. W. B.). Elementary Algebra, limo... (Camb. Univ. Press) 4/6 Beet (J. A.). Commentary on the Ephestane, or 8vo... (Hodder & Stoughton) 7/6 Bebrend (A. J. F.), Philosophy of Preaching, or 8ro (Dickenson) 8/6 Briggs (W.), Analysis of a Simple Salt, cr Svo (Olive) 2/0 Buckley (A. B.), Through Magic Glasses, cr Flro (Stanford) 6/0 Bullock (0.), The Sisters: Reminiscence" of F.R.& M.V.E. Havergal (Bullock) 3/6 Bywater (J.), Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, 4to (Frowde) 10/6 Cameron (J.), Freedom through Faith, or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 2/6 Carey (R. N.), Heriot's Choice, or 8vo (Bentley) 6/0 Camas's Gallic War, Book i., edted by E H. Coachman, limo (Percival) 1/6 Oberubini, by F. J. Crowest (Great Musicians), cr 8vo (8. Low) 3 0 Deadeye (A.), Tables for Working Speed of Cables, cr 8vo (8 n) 2/0 De Goncourt (E. and J.), Sister Philomeme, or 8vo (Rontledge) 3,13 Douglas (J. 0. M.), Six Intermediate Minor Prophets, or five (T & T. Clark) 1/6 Earle (J.), English Prose, 8vo (Smith & Elder) 16/0 Echoes of Two Little Voices, by " G. EL S.," cr 8vo ...(Hodder & Stoughton) 1/6 Eliot (0. N. E.), A Finnish Grammar, cr 8vo (Frowde 10/6

Fenn (G. M.), Syd Belton, Cr 8vo (Methuen 5/0

Fitzgerald (P.), Music-Hall Land.8so (Ward & Downey) 1/6

Ford (G.), Pixie and Hillhouse Farm, cr 8vo (0. Gilbert) 8/0 Fullerton (W.), Architectural Examples in Brick and Stone. 410 (Spou) 15/0

Gallienne (R. Le), Some Characteristics of George Meredith (Elide Mathews) 7/6 Garnett (04, Mad John Binleigh, cr 8vo (Partridge) 3/6 Gerrare (W.), Bmfipi's Legacy, or 8.0 (Hutchinson) 6/0 Glazebrook (M. G.), Lessons from Old Testament, cr 8vo (Percival, 2/6 Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, Introduction by E. Dowden, LLD., limo (Stott) 2/6 Gronland (L.), Our Destiny. cr Svo (Sonnenschein) 2/6 Gunn (HI, Arithmetic of Magnetism and Electricity, 12ine (Blackie) 216

Harries (J.), Does God Break His Pledge ? cr 8ro (B. Stock) 2/8

Jerome (J. H.), Told After Supper, 16mo (Field & Teen 3/8 Laurie (A.), New York to Brest in Seven Hours, 8vo (S. Low) 6/0 Liddell (E.), Golden Censer, 12mo (Longman') 3/6

Lightfoot (J. B.). Apostolic Fathers. Vol. I., 2 parts, 8vo (Macmillan) 32/0 Lloyd (W. W.), Sketches of Indian Life, folio (Chapman & Hall) 6/0 Luokock (H.), Intermediate State between Death and Judgment (Longmans) 8/0 Eathieson (G.), Spiritual Development, cr 8vo (Blackwood) b/0

Meyer (F. B.), Joseph Beloved, &c.„ cr 8vo ( Morgan & Scott) 2/6 Miserrima : a Narrative Poem, 12mo ..(Gritlith & Ferran) 2/0

Norris (N. ICJ. Marcia. 3 vole. or 8ro (Murray) 20 Official Report of the Church Congress. In), 8ro (Bemrose) 10/6 Padmanji (B ). Once Hindu, now Christian, cr 8ro (Nisbet) 2,0 Parkhurst (C. H.), Blind Man's Creed, cr 8vo (Dickenson) 3/6 Parkhurst (C. H.), The Pattern in the Mount, cr 8ro (Dickenson) 3/6

Peddle (3.), Racing for Gold, or 8ro (Fore.) 2/8 Pinkerton (ft. H.). Theoretical Mach sums, 12mo (Mackie) 2/0

Pitman (3.), Biography of, by T. Allan Reed, or 8ro... ..... (Griffith & Ferran) 8/6 Prinsep (Val), Virginia, 3 yob. cr 8ro (Longman.) 25'6 Roberts (D.), A Letter from Heaven, Cr 8vo (K. Stock) 5/0

Romance of Real Life. 4to (R.T.S.1 3/6 Sadler (M. F.), Epistle of Titus, 12mo Bell 6/0

Salwey Assce. (F. R..), Light Railways, 8vo (Spon 5/0

Samantha among the Brethren, by Josiah Allen's Wife.16mo (Ward & Lock) 5/0 Simeon (W. IL), Writers of the New Testament, 12mo (Hodder & Stoughton) 2ffi Smith (G.), A Modern Apostle : A. M. Somerville, D.D., or 8vo (Murray) 9/0 Smith (G. A.), Book of Isaiah, Vol. II., 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 7/6

Stockwell (T. H.), Our Dead, or 8vo (E. Stock) 3/6

Stuart (E.), Kestell of Greyston, cr 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) 31/6 Sturrock (J. B.), Peter Brongh, a Paisley Philanthropist, or 8vo...(Gardner) 3/6 Swift (E.), Spiritual Law in the Natural World, cr Svo (E. Stock) 5/0 Visible God (The), and our Relation to Him, &c., cr Svc. (Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0 Von Cleve (B. F.), English and American Mechanic, nr 8vo (Spon) 9/0 Watt (D. G.), Preacher's Homiletical Commentary : Ezekiel, 8vo (Dickenson) 7/6 Weber (A.), Leal Souvenir, cr 8vo (W. Smith) 5/0 Whiting (AL B.), Come onto Me, 4to (Nisbet) 116 Wills (F.), Lay Sermons for Practical People, cr Svo (Griffith & Farran) 3'6

Worsley (H.), The Dawn of the English Reformation, 8vo (E. Stock) 7,6