Shadow - Land In E//an Vannin. By I. H. Leucy. (elliot...
folk-lore of the Isle of Man is, as this little collection will show, of a thoroughly Celtic nature. " Changelings " and " second-sight " play an important part in it, and the......
On The Bank's Threshold. By W. Haig Millar. (s. W.
Part- ridge and Co.)—Mr. Millar gives a number of experiences— personal, or derived from others—much good advice and sagacious hints, not a few practical details, all of them......
A Story Of Stops. By Mrs. Davidson. (the Leadenhall Press.)
—This is a book full of quaint fancy, with a moral delicately insinuated. Molly, one of a pair of twins, falls under the power of two sinister creatures called Gauks, or, in......
College School Memories. By F. Hannam-clarke. (mrs....
school-days are interesting to all people who have been boys, even should they not belong to the school itself. To the "old boys" themselves, a collection of names, incidents,......
An English - Latin Gradus, Or Verse Dictionary. Compiled...
Ainger, M.A., and H. G. Wintle, M.A. (John Murray.)—This is an English-Latin dictionary especially adapted for the purposes of verse composition. Every word likely to occur in......
Teufel The Terrier. Told By J. Yates Carrington. (pall Mall
Gazette Office.)—This story of the " life and adventures of an artist's dog" is nothing less than delightful. A large dog-life literature, to which the Spectator has made some......
The Farm On The Down. By Anne Beale. (hodder And
Stoughton.) —In this volume Miss Beale gives us two really excellent stories. In" The Farm on the Down," an undutiful daughter, who has left her home because a foolish......
Models And Exercises In Unseen Translation. By H. F. Fox,
M.A., and the Rev. T. M. Bromley, M.A. (The Clarendon Press.)—This is likely to be a very useful volume. Messrs. Fox and Bromley not only give their readers a number of pieces,......
The Growth Of Capital. By Robert Giffen. (bell And Sons.)—in
this essay, Mr. Giffen proposes to resume and continue his notes of 1878 on the accumulation of capital : the results at which he arrives are accordingly interesting. The......
Little Wide - Awake. Edited By Mrs. Sale Barker....
"Illustrated Magazine for Children " keeps up to its standard in a satisfactory manner. The illustrations, to begin with, are, we think, a decided improvement on what we have......
Games And Puzzles Do Not Come Within The Definition Of
literary matter; but as we are invited to express an opinion on The Game of the Burglar and Bobbies (E. Wolff and Son), we may say that, apart from the vulgarity of the name, we......