15 NOVEMBER 1890, page 1

The New Lord Mayor, Alderman Joseph Savory, Of The...

Alliance, a man of considerable accomplishments, and, according to the Recorder, of Huguenot blood on the father's side, and tracing his descent directly to Edward I. on the......

On Friday Week, The Bank, Unexpectedly And Late In The

day, raised its rate to 6 per cent., a movement which caused a fall in stocks and much alarm. The alarm was increased by bad news from New York, where on Monday a panic set in,......

News Of The W Eek.

A FRICA has grown darker this week. Mr. Stanley has been compelled by opinion to formulate his charges against his Rear-Guard, and they prove to be of the most frightful kind.......

The Entire Controversy Leaves The Most Painful Impression...

minds. It certainly does appear as if Englishmen going to tropical Africa left their moral natures behind them, and in particular lost their abhorrence of cruelty,—a change......

* * 11 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...

