Little Wide - Awake. Edited by Mrs. Sale Barker. (Routledge and Son.)—This
"Illustrated Magazine for Children " keeps up to its standard in a satisfactory manner. The illustrations, to begin with, are, we think, a decided improvement on what we have seen in previous volumes. For older children there are two serial stories. "Charged with a Trust" is not exactly to our liking. The children, indeed, are interesting creatures, and this, of course, is the principal thing; but if we could have had them without the wicked uncle, and the complication of the will, we should have been better pleased. "Crooked Pete" is a tale of the sixteenth century which will doubtless give its young readers an insight into the European history of the time. The smaller sort have plenty of reading for their special benefit. The daily life of a little child is pleasantly described in " Toddles." Here there is something very French in the style. Then there are fairy-tales and the like. Altogether, this is an excellent magazine.