The London County Council is determined to go forward with
its project for the great clearance in Bethnal Green. At its meeting on Tuesday, it was proposed on behalf of the Finance Committee, that the expenditure—£300,000—should be included in the Council's estimates ; and, in spite of strong opposition from Lord Lingen, this proposal was carried, the minority not even venturing to take a division. Lord Lingen asked the Council to vote the money in sections ; but the majority were determined to stand committed to the whole expenditure. It should be remembered that the scheme will at first only increase the overcrowding, it being really a clearance, and not a rebuilding, which has been sanctioned. All bad landlords are delighted, for nothing suits them better than to refuse money for sanitary improvements, because, if their properties only get bad enough to be condemned by the doctors, the ratepayers' representatives will buy them up.