Alexis and the Flowers. By Beatrice F. Cresswell. (T. Fisher
Unwin.)—This is a pretty book, nicely illustrated, and full of the stories, legends, folk-lore fancies, and the like which, in the course of time, have gathered about flowers. The forget-me-not, for in- stance, appears with two stories which we do not remember to have seen before. One is, that it was the last flower coloured at the Creation, and was so afraid of being overlooked that it cried to its Maker, " Forget me not," words which it was bidden to keep for its name, to remind it of its want of faith. The other accounts for its being found over so wide an area by telling how an angel, having loved a mortal maiden, both were banished from Paradise till they had sown the whole earth with forget-me-nots. The illustrations are good.