We arc particularly glad that Mr. Neville Chamberlain has returned
to the Ministry of Health. He had mastered the details of the housing problem, and it is certain he will make an enthusiastic attempt to give the nation plenty of houses at as low a price as possible. Among other appointments we may mention that Sir William Mitchell-Thomson becomes Postmaster-General. If he uses his opportunities rightly he will greatly develop the Post Office services. Colonel Wilfrid Ashley becomes Minister of Transport ; Sir Thomas Inskip, Solicitor-General ; Mr. Ronald McNeill, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs ; Lord Onslow, Under-Secretary for War ; and the Duchess of Atholl, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education. The appointment of the Duchess of Atholl is most welcome. She has made her mark in Scotland in connexion with all educa- tional subjects, as indeed might have been expected, for she comes of a stock of historians.
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