The Shallow End. By Ian Hay. (hodder And Stoughton. 7s.
ad. net.)—Mr. Ian Hay frankly warns his readers that his present book deals in jocular mood with light subjects, for this surely cannot be called an unfair definition of his......
Chris Gascoyne. By A. C. Benson. (john Murray. 7s. 6d.
net.)—The story of a young man who, on inheriting a small livelihood, very sensibly breaks- away from the futile little London coterie of which he is more or less the centre and......
Other Novels.
Sincerite. By Mortimer Durand. (Longmans. 7s. 6d. net.)—A very original first novel dealing with the awful effect on a house party o y f the consumption of a burgundy called "......
The Green Bay Tree. By Louis Bromfield. (fisher Unwin. Is.
6d. net.) Even Mr. Anthony Trollops found it no joke to interest his readers in the first chapters of a novel. In one instance he grew so weary of his own beginning that he used......
For Conduct Unbefitting. By David Whitelaw. (holden. 7s....
story of spying and counter-spying in Bol- shevik Russia. It is breathless readi g, and the escape at the end by aeroplane is truly thrilling.......
Finance-public & Private.
[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] IS TRADE REVIVING ? [To the Editor of the Spectator.] Sra,—The Election is over. A Party has been returned with a majority sufficiently large to make......
The Nameless Order. By " Dargon." (john Lane. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Secret societies, attempted revolution, the Third International, and funds from Moscow are the subjects of this novel. Needless to say, therefore, it provides its readers......
Something Lighter. By J. 0. P. Bland. (heinemann. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Chiefly concerned with Chinese native life. The most charming thing in the book, however, is the " In Memoriam " preface. The scene between the author and his aged father......
Financial Notes..
Nat - It - rally the Cabinet appointment in which the - City was chiefly interested, and in which it experienced the greatest surprise, was the selection - of Mr. Winston......