News Of The Week.
T HE choosing of a Cabinet by the Prime Minister has been a rather different process from that of his first Administration. This time he made up his mind during what we may......
The Chief Surprise Was The Appointment Of Mr. Churchill As
Chancellor of the Exchequer. We cannot help reading into this appointment a definite hope. We all know that Mr. Churchill is in many respects incalculable, just PAGE because he......
However That May Be, The Appointment Of A Professing Free
Trader as Chancellor of the Exchequer is an earnest that Mr. Baldwin means to be scrupulously faithful to his pledges neither to tax food nor to impose a general tariff. Mr.......
Sir Robert Horne, Who Had Been Strongly " Fancied "
for the Chancellorship of the Exchequer, was not given even a contingent expectation of the post. He was offered the Ministry of Labour, which he refused. Neither Lord Derby nor......
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