15 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 22

BENEATH AFRICAN GLACIERS : The Humours, Tragedies and Demands of

an East African Govern- ment Station, as Experienced by an Official's Wife ; with some Personal Views on Native Life and Costumes. By Anne Dundas. (Witherby. 12s. 6d.) THE long sub-title of this book describes it sufficiently, and may perhaps suggest the question whether it is well that the

wives of officials should write books. The most interesting thing in it is the description of pursuing a smart, fastidiously white-robed butler to his home in the native quarter and finding him squatted naked by the hearth. Feeling her presence indiscreet the lady withdrew unobserved. But was it discreet to describe and comment ? One thing, at any rate, is sure : the comments on mission work are neither discreet nor fair. Also, it is true that insistence on monogamy makes it difficult to spread Christianity in Africa; but really, other people have discovered that before.