Official letters from Paris state that there is great agitation
in the French Cabinet on the subject of the Presidency of the Council. " M. DuriN prefers the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies ; M. ODIL- LON Bonitar refuses to take office without his party, and pledges from the King as to a decided course in Polish and Belgian affairs.
The Duke of RICHMOND, it is said, has written to M. DE Moamar., the French Ambassador, to say, " That early in October he will be prepared to open a negotiation for establishing a daily post-office com- munication with Paris ; and that as a new Act of Parliament will be required for this, it cannot take effect before April or May in the ensu- ing year." Why cannot the arrangement be gone into immediately? Do Ministers doubt that such an extra legislatorial act will be treated more severely than the payments on the Russian Loan ?