The Only Town Where A Decided Disposition Has Been Shown
to resist the decree of the Frankfort Diet, is Hanau, in Hesse Cassel. The town contains about 15,000 inhabitants; and political meet- ings have been held there weekly for some......
The Army Of The Sultan Has Suffered A Severe Defeat,
in the neighbourhood of Kosseir, from the forces of IBRAHIM Pacha. The particulars are given by the latter, in a document entitled the Fifth Bulletin of the Army of Syria. The......
Ele Court.
THE King and Queen visited the Earl of Errol's, at Richmond, on Monday; on which occasion there was a dinner for three hundred of the children of the town, in the Park, which......
Erbe Iffrtropraist.
The Livery of London have no intention to oppose the election of Sir P. Laurie to the Mayoralty this year. A meeting was held at No. 41, Cheapside, on Thursday, on the sub- ject......
The Prisons Of Berne Are So Filled With The Criminals
arrested on charges connected with the recent plot, that all the lesser rogues have been liberated, in order to make room for their nobler brethren.......
The Pope Has Issued An Encyclical Letter, Interalia...
Press, the suppression of which he justifies from the burning of the magical books mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles; where, by the by, the burning was the voluntary deed of......
The King Of Holland Is Preparing To Raise A New
loan of 44,000,000 florins. A good swinging national debt has been found, in the case of England, so admirable an expedient for preventing breaches of the peace, that it is......
The Letters From Brussels Contain But One Piece Of...
—the arrival there of General GOBLET; for which, as the General left London on Saturday on his way thither, we were somewhat prepared. His arrival has created quite a sensation.......
The French Journals Are Without One Word Of Important Fact,
and the private letters are equally barren. It would be a waste of time and space to retail the speculations of either. SEBASTIANT has formally resumed his functions. No......