An Omnibus-driver, Named Lee, Was Charged At Marylebone...
Thursday, with damaging one of Mr. Shillibeer's omnibuses. On Monday evening, as John Church, the conductor, was about to hand two Quaker ladies into his vehicle, the prisoner......
Mr. Patrick Conroy, A Barrister, Died On Monday Night Of
apoplexy, brought on by excessive drinking. His last feat was drinking a bottle of brandy, which he accomplished in fifteen minutes. On Monday night, John Sayers, who for......
Erbe Iffrtropraist.
The Livery of London have no intention to oppose the election of Sir P. Laurie to the Mayoralty this year. A meeting was held at No. 41, Cheapside, on Thursday, on the sub- ject......
William Dignum, The Man Charged With Robbery And...
murder Mr. Henry Andrews, near Hackney, on the 24th ult. (the par- ticulars were given by us at the time of the occurrence), was*tried on Thursday at the Old Bailey, and......