The army of the Sultan has suffered a severe defeat,
in the neighbourhood of Kosseir, from the forces of IBRAHIM Pacha. The particulars are given by the latter, in a document entitled the Fifth Bulletin of the Army of Syria. The Sultan's troops consisted of 10,471 men, regulars; of whom IBRAHIM killed 2,000, and took 2,500 prisoners. The battle took place in the afternoon; and the darkness of the night alone prevented the whole of the "pretended regulars," as the bulletin calls them, from falling into IBRAHIM s hands. The defeated troops were commanded by MAHOMET Pacha, Governor of Aleppo, and eight others, all Pachas of three tails. IBRAHIM has sent his prisoners to St. Jean d'Acre, where they may either join the Egyptian army, or return home. In the retreat of the Turks, a hostile tribe of Arabs fell upon their rear, and cut off a great many of them. Most of their artillery, and all their tents and baggage, were also abandoned. In the tent of the Seraskier were found the whole of his despatches, containing, among other particulars, the instructions for the campaign. One of MAHOMET s instructions was to send IBRAHIM Pacha alive to Constantinople. IBRAHIM is in full march for Aleppo. His pro- gress, as the Globe truly remarks, 'seems to threaten a more serious division of the Turkish empire than any by which it has ever heretofore been threatened. It is, in fact, crippled at once in its prime possessions in the three quarters of the globe, Greece, Egypt, and Syria."