15 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 17



Historical and Descriptive Account of British India. from the most remote period to the present time: including a Narrative of the early Portuguese attd English Voy- ages, the Revolutions in the Mogul Empire, and the Origin, Progress. and Esta- blishment of the British Power; with Illustrations of the Zoology. Botany, Cli- mate. Geology, and Mineralogy; also Medical Observations, an Account of the Ilindoo Astronomy, the Trigonometrical Surveys, and the Navigation of the Iudjan Seas. By Hugh Murray, Esq. F.R.S.E., James Wilson, Esq. E.R.S.E. and M.W.S., R. K. Greville, LL.D., Professor Jameson, Whitelaw Ainslie, M.D., M.R.A.S., William Mani], Esq. M.R.C.S., Professor Wallace, and Captain Clarence Dal- rymple. With a Map, and twenty-six Engravings, by Branston. 3 vols. (Edin- liurgh Cabinet Library, No. VIII.) Wirer and Boyd, Edinburgh. BIOGRAPIIT,

Lives of Scottish Worthies. By Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq., F.R.S. and F.S.A. Vol. II. (Family Library, No. XXX1V.) Murray.


An Outline of the Smaller British Birds ; intended for the Usa of Ladies and Young Persons. By It. A. Slauey, Esq., M.P. Longman and Co.

INSANITY AND ArTLcAle,, Lunacy versus Liberty. A Letter to the Lord Chancellor, on the Defective State of the Law as regards Insane Persons, and Private Asylums for their Reception : with Remarks, original and select, including the Author's own Case, and others. By William Griggs, late Patient at Kensington House, Kensington. Second Edition. EDUCATION, Griggs. A Niannal of Religious Instruction for the Young : containing the Sacred History of the Old and New Testament Dispensation ; an accurate Statement of the Doc- trines of the Gospel, in two parts; a brief Outline of the Evidences of the Christian Religion ; together with an Address to the Young. By the Rev. Robert Simsou, ALA Duncan. An Arithmetical Catechism, Part III. Fur the Use of the Pupils of Colehrooke house

Academy, Islington. By the Rev. Robert Simson, M.A. Author.