16 APRIL 1853, Page 10

MONEY MARKET. STOCK Excassos, FRIDAY AF11101210011.

The transactions in Government Securities during the early part of the week were rather limited : the principal operations were in connexion with the settlement of the Account, which took place on Wednesday, and up to that afternoon inclusive Consols had been dull at 100i e. Yesterday more animation prevailed, and i advance was established. The financial proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer have been much discussed ; and, as far as opinion can yet be ascertained, the proposed New Three-and-a-ball per Cent Stock and Exchequer Bonds would be likely to become the favourite securi- ties. In comparison with the present value of the other Funds, it is believed that if the New Two-and-a-half per Ceuta were now in existence, the price would be about 92. Today, Consols are lower; the last price being 100f 1 for Money and 100f for Account. Exchequer Bills are rather higher, and close this afternoon at 59. The previous depression to par was caused by the expectation of a formidable rival in the event of the New Bonds being brought into operation.

In the Foreign Market, an improvement of 1 has taken place this week in Belgian and Russian Five per Cents; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, ; Mexican, 1. In many cases stocks have not been well supported. Dutch Two-and-a-half, Four per Cents, and Sardinian, have fallen ; and Peru- vian Scrip 1. The principal transactions have been in Spanish Securities ; which have suffered from sales, owing to intelligence on Tuesday, since con- firmed, of the suspension of the Cortes. The Three per Cents declined to 471; Deferred, 234; Certificates, 61. The first two have since rallied about

; but no rise has taken place in the Certificates, as the negotiation of the new loan is now regarded as very uncertain. Turkish Scrip has not altered. The Committee of Bondholders was dissolved on Tuesday, after passing a resolution advising proprietors to accept the terms advertised on Monday by the Embassy,—a reimbursement of the loan, with an addition for bonus and interest at the rate of 34 francs for every 1000 francs of nominal Stock.

The Railway Market was heavy at the early part of the week, having suffered from sales on the intimation that all bills on the subject of amalga- mation would be postponed for this session. The flatness continued until Wedneaday inclusive. London and North-western then closed at 1191 1, and Great Western at 911 f. Yesterday, after the arrangement of the account and upon the improvement in Consols, a rally of about 158. occurred in several of the leading securities. At the close of the market, the differ- ence in some of the principal lines compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. Increase—Great Northern, and London and South- western, 10s. Decrease—Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 21.; Bristol and Exeter, 11.; South-eastern, and York and North Midland, 108. ; Caledonian, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Midland, Se. Edinburgh and Glasgow, Great Western, Lancaster and Carlisle, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and North-western, of the same value as last week. The improvement in French shares has been—Paris and Rouen, 11.; Rouen and Havre, and Western of France, 10s. ; Southern of France, 5s.; Northern of France, 2s. 6d. Paris and Lyons have declined 2s. 6d. Paris and Orleans and Paris and Strasbourg have not altered. Today there has been a disposition to sell; and the English lines are from 5e. to 158. lower in several cases.


There is no alteration in the English Market ; Consols are at present /001 f for Money and 10044 for Account, with little business doing. In Foreign Stocks there is no new feature, and prices are quite nominal. Rail- ways are quiet, and no recovery has taken place upon the depression of yes- terday. The following bargains have been recorded—London and Black- well, 94; Midland, 74i; Waterford and Limerick, 334; Sambre and Meuse, 9-1»

8 per Cent Consols

Danish 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto for Account

1001 i

100 i Dutch 24 per Cents 654 64 3 per Cent Reduced 97' 104

Ditto 4 per Cents

964 74 34 per Cents

164 A

Mexican 3 per Cents ....... 28 4 Long Annuities 6 1-16 Peruvian Scrip 31 41 Bank Stock 225 6 Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 1 Exchequer Bills 5 9 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 India Stock 260 3 Ditto 44 per Cents 1034 44 Brazilian 5 per Cents

100 2

Spanish 3 per Cents 48 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 99 100 Ditto Deferred

244 g

CU.ian 6 per Cents 103 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents

97 8

Danish 5 per Cents. 104 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 98 100