16 APRIL 1853, page 11

Parisian Theatricals.

' At the melodramatic theatres of the French captital lunacy is now all the rage. The English have from time immemorial been regarded as the great patrons of insanity, but when......

Tamberlik Has Gathered Fresh Laurels By His Performance...

in Guillaume Tell. He appeared in this part, for the first time at Covent Garden, on Thursday, and made an impression never exceeded by either of the two great Arnolds of the......

Ctrtfrts Unit 31ingir.

At a period when every new piece seems like some old piece turned in- side out, the sparkling forth of an original idea may be hailed with a feel- ing of satisfaction. Hence '......

Money Market. Stock Excassos, Friday Af11101210011.

The transactions in Government Securities during the early part of the week were rather limited : the principal operations were in connexion with the settlement of the Account,......

The Two Lands Of Gold.

An entertainment belonging to the same class as Mr. Albert Smith's Mont Blanc has been commenced, under this title, at the Marionette Theatre. The subject, as the name implies,......

The Second Concert Of The New Philharmonic Society, At...

Hall en Wednesday, was a considerable improvement on the first, and a great improvement on all the concerts of last year. Herr Lindpaintner, whose capacity as a disciplinarian......


TO THE LADY - ArTHOR OF "THE CHILDREN'S SUMMER." Because thou haat the gifts that bless the child,— The keen observance of revering love ; The microscopic glance of eyes that......