16 APRIL 1853, page 10

All Question As To The Reopening Of Her Majesty's Theatre

is now under- stood to be at an end, and this splendid establishment will commence its sea- son early next month. It has been known for some time that a powerful company has......

Lord Palmerston Gave Notice, On Thursday, Under The...

the 14th and 16th Victoria, entitled an act "for the Removal of Nuisances and Prevention of Epidemics," to the parochial authorities of St. Edmund the King, St. Nicholas Aeons,......

The Deputation Appointed At The Manchester Meeting On...

some weeks back, waited on Sir Charles Wood, at the Board of Control, yesterday, and laid before him accompanied by long statements, the peti- tion on the development of Indian......

Money Market. Stock Excassos, Friday Af11101210011.

The transactions in Government Securities during the early part of the week were rather limited : the principal operations were in connexion with the settlement of the Account,......

Mr. Wurrstrunz Revived An Old Line Of Argument, By...

that the Member they were seeking to admit might tomorrow be prosecuted for calling Christ an impostor. This strain was afterwards followed up, with a wild And broken eloquence,......


SATURDAY. Notwithstanding the importance of the principal subject which stood for debate in the House of Commons last night—the Jewish Disabilities Bill —a discussion of more......

Whatever It May Portend, Letters From Jassy Dated The 4th

April state that the Hospodar of Moldavia, who resigned just before the arrival of Prince Menschikoff at Constantinople, entered Jassy on the 2d instant, saluted by the cheers......