Tuesday, April 12.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvin.—Bonny and Elliston, Sudbury, plasterers—Herridg,e and Smith, Birmingham, publicans—Gould and Thurston, Kingsland Crescent, Hackney, surgeons—Estill and 31•Kinley, Scarborough, bricklayers— Harknett and Homing, Brondey St. Leonard, Middlesex, cowkeepers—Jones and Pinkerton, Manchester, brewers—Randall and Co. Cheapside, clothiers—Thurman and Co. Not- tingham, hosiers—Horley and Co. Liverpool, wine-merchants—Wilkie and Soames, 'Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, soap-makers; as far as regards Louis Soames—Wilson and Kingsfords, Hibernia Chambers, Southwark, commission-agents ; as far as re- gards C. Wilson—Knight and King, D'Urban, Port Natal, merchants; as far as re- gards A. Peel—J. and Todman, Dorking, linen-drapers—Gordon and Co. Royal Exchange Buildings, merchants—Heather and Mager, Paternoster Row, attormes —Milani and Co. Great Portland Street, house-agents—Wilkinson and Dawson, Leeds, cut-nail-makers—Vaughan and Staveley, Liverpool, soap-manufacturers- Jones and Co. Bradford, 'Wiltshire, woollen-manufacturers—Coulthard and Co. Gateshead—Wyatt and Webb, John Street, Pentonville, brewers—Holmes and Shearer, Stonehouse, drapers—J. and T. Savage, Macclesfield, rag-merchants—New- ling and Robinson, Spalding, farmers. BAssensrs.—Moss SAMUEL, Castle Street, Houndsditch, dealer in watches, to sur- render April 26, May 24; solicitor, Teague, Crown Court, Cheapside ; official as- signee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—GEORGE HODGE, Ticehurst, Sussex, builder, April 25, May 17: solicitors, Church and Langdale, Southampton Buildings ; Cripps, Tunbridge Wells ; official assignee, Groom. Abchurch Lane—WituAu SERREm. OAKE, Poole, painter, April 22, May 20: solicitors, Fox and Son, Finsbury Circus; Welch, Poole ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Passel:3 Rotes, Great Marlborough Street, tailor, April 22, May 27: solicitor, Ilderton, Ingram Court, Fen- church Street; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury—Jossen LEGGE and JOHN LEGGE, Marlborough Road, l3rompton, cabinet-makers, April 22, May 27: solicitors, Pain, Gresham Street; Roscoe, King Street, Finsbury Square ; official assignee, Cannan, Alder:Danbury—WALTER klAnsos, Wolverhampton, draper, April 23, May 21; solicitors, Kitson, Wolverhampton ; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham—WILLI/as LLOYD MARsnAm., Almondbury, brewer, April 25, May 23: solicitors, Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds—Jonx Score, Nottingham, grocer, May 6, 27: solicitors, Maples, and Wells, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham. D/VIDENDS.—May 3, Mitchell, Finsbury Place South, furniture-dealer—May 9, Gibson, St. Alban's, banker—May 6, May-field, Spalding, grocer—May 5, Broadbent, Dukinfield, grocer—May 5, Hawarden and Myerscough. Manchester, manufacturers of cotton-cloth—May 4, G. and R. Capper, Nantwich, cheese-factors. CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, Widen cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-May 5, Love, Liverpool, looking-glass-manufacturer—May 11, Frazer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn-merchant.
Dscr.ARArtoss or DIVIDENDS.—Westley, Playhouse Yard, bookbinder; ; second div. of Ild. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane —Wyatt and Thompson, Portpool Lane, brewers ; second div. of Old. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Matthews, Bushey, carpenter ; fourth and final div. of 21d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Satur- days; Groom. Abchurch Lane—Briddon, Bootle, Lancashire, chemist ; second thy. of 31d. aey Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool—Hill, Birmingham, silversmith ; first die, of Ss. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham. Scares SEQUESTRATIONS.—Witay, Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, merchant, April 16, May 7—Russell, Slamannan, Stirlingsbire, wright, April 20, May 18.
.Friday, April 15.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Mitchell and Son, Gloucester, hosiers—Harvey and Co. Bow Churchyard, woollen-warehousemen—Kilner and Bore. Preston, joiners— C. and H. Blakeway, Chaddesley Corbett, Worcestershire, farmers—Sanderson and Co(Hull, merchants ; as far as regards E. R. Sanderson—Lee and Co. Cromford, Derbyshire, curriers—Marshall and Tattersall, Liverpool, wine-merchants--Oakley and Soo, St. Dunstan's Passage, Great Tower Street, tailors—Battley and Watts, Whitecross Street, chemists—Binns and Co. Keighley, Yorkshire, brokers—Har- rison and Scott, Sunderland, coal-merchants—Prestwich and Bolton, Radcliffe, Lan- cashire, engravers to calico-printers; as far as regards J. Prestwich—Ogle and Steel, Preston—Ratcliffe and Hancock, Manchester, timber-merchants—Barnard and Co. Little Eaton, Derbyshire, quarrymen—Porritt junior and Co. Huddersfield, wool- merchants ; as far as regards J. Atkinson—Preston and Co. Huddersfield, timber- merchants ; as far as regards H. Schofield. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.—CHARLEs GREEN, Spalding, scrivener. BANKRUPTS.—Joux WHITE, Charles Street, Tottenham Court Road, draper, to surrender April 22, May 26: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—EDWARD BLAKELY, Conduit Street, linen-draper, April 22, May 30: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Rouser CIIINERY, M'ithersfield, Suffolk, brewer, April 26, May 24: solicitors, Gooday. Brunswick Square ; Gooday, Sudbury ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Frommuce RoseNsoao, Horselydown, cask-manufacturer, April 22, May 28: solicitors, Cox and Co. Pinners' Hall; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- IIINEAGE NORTON GIRDER, Fountain Gardens, Lambeth Walk, victualler, April 22, May 27: solicitor, Henderson, Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—WicuAm limiest, Dudley, beerseller, April 30, May 23: solicitors, Bolton, Dudley; klotteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham—EDWARD GOLDSMITH, Nottingham, tailor, May 6, 27: solici- tor, Browne, Nottingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham—RICHARD STEPHENS, Truro, draper, April 26, May 24: solicitors, Gear and Co.; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter—WILLIAM ARTINGSTALL Pendleton, joiner, April 27, May, 25: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester— DANIEL DUNGLINSON, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, victualler, April 26, May 25: solicitors, Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; Welford, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIVLDENDS.—May 6, Wheeler, St. Martin's Lane, woollen-draper—May 6, Latham, Dover, banker—May 6, Franckeiss, Portsea, woollen-draper—May 10, Bowring, Lawrence Lane, silk-shag-merchant—May 9, Bradbury, Holborn Hill, cheese- monger—May 6, Bain, Old Bond Street, electric-clock-maker—May 7, Baker, Old Brentford, coal-merchant—May 9, Kennett, Oxford Street, victualler—May 9, Mumford, Great Maplestead, Essex, miller—May 7, Powell and Hind, Carnaby Street, Golden Square, linen-drapers—May 6, Fielder, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, wool-stapler.
CERTIFICATES.— To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-May 9, Dean, Chelmsford, leather-seller—May 9, Bradbury, High Holborn, cheesemonger— May 10, Denby, Wigmore Street, jeweller—May 11, Davies, Wor- cester, innkeeper-sMay 9, White, Birmingham, cut-nail-manufacturer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—E. C. and E. W. Fyffe, How-ford Buildings, FC11.. church Street, and E. Fyffe jun. Calcutta, merchants ; first div. of Is. 8d. on the joint estate, and first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of E. C. Fyffe, any Monday ; Can- Dan, Aldermanbury—Platy, Broad Street Buildings, merchant ; first div. of Is. lid. on April 16, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Marks, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, upholsterer; second div. of 814. on Apri116, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Swansborough, Great Grimsby, flax-merchant ; final div. of ld. on April 21, and three subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Bashighall Street—H. and R. Pinhorn, Southampton, tailors; se- cond div. of 25. 2d. on April 21, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street—Braine, Oxford, saddler; third die. of 1014. on April 21, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Walker, Oxford Street, arti- ficial-flower-maker ; first div. of 2s. 24. on April 21, and three subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Gubb, Exeter, innkeeper ; first dm. of 5s. 64. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter—Manley, Exeter, dealer in wood ; div. of ls. ld. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter—Hill, Holcombe Bogus, linen-dra- per; first and final div. of 2s. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hernaman, Exeter—Harri- son, Sunderland, linen-draper; first div. of 38. 64. any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne—Smith, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, carrier; final div. of 114. any Thurs- day; Whitmore, Birmingham.
Scores SEQUESTRATIONS.—Dicsk, Edinburgh, provision-merchant, April 22, May 13 —Meldrun, Grantown, clothier, April 18, May 9—Leech, Glasgow, land-agent, April 18, May 9—Foreman, St. Andrew's, coal-dealer, April 18, May 9.