Dublin Review. April. (Burns and Oates.)—We have noticed else- where
the very interesting and able political article in the Dublin on 'Is Ireland irreconcilable ; or rather, perhaps, on why Ireland appears to be irreconcilable ?' The ablest of the other papers is that on the Honorius question, in answer to M. Reneuf. This is a very masterly bit of controversy, and shows, we think, successfully enough that Honorius was not, in all probability a Monothelite at all, and did not publish any authoritative judgment of any sort in favour of Monothelism. What it cannot, of course, succeed in showing is, that there is not a very great paradox, from the Ultramontane point of view, in the in- fallible organ of a Church having been allowed to throw his influence publicly and on a point of groat importance on the wrong side. If there were Ultramontanes in the time of Pope Honorius, surely his action in the matter must have given them very great misgivings as to the mission of the Papacy. The man who throws fuel on a fire will hardly be thought to be the divine instrument appointed by Providence to extinguish it, even if he do so carelessly, and can be shown to have intended to do something different.