The Senatus Of The University .of Edinburgh Have Decided On
appeal against Miss Pechey's title to the Chemical scholarship, earned under the circumstances which we explained last week. And the oddest part of the matter is that in the......
Lady Gertrude Douglas Writes To The Times To Say That
she was three years in a convent in Hammersmith, then in convents in Liverpool and Glasgow, and then on her own reqiiest released from her vows and allowed to return to her......
Sir John Lubbock Made An Effective First Speech Yesterday...
on the value of a scientific training for the officers of the Army, a propos of the recent report of the Military Education Commis- sion appointed in 1868, which has discouraged......
M. De Moutalembert's Last Letter, Written Not Many Hours...
his death, contains a curious and touching expression of the intense realism of our day, as it affected the heart of one of the greatest of modern idealists. It was a letter to......
The-pall Mall Of Yesterday Contained A Most Striking And...
note on a paper by a Rouen naturalist, M. Pouchet, the director of the Museum of Rouen. This gentleman has dis- covered that the new school of swallows are improving the style......
The Discussion On Sir John Lubbock's Speech Was Rather...
vant, as it turned chiefly on the importance of discouraging cram- ming, and the desirability of getting the most generally educated men to enter for the career of officers,......
A Madrid Correspondent Of The Times Mentions A Curious Story
of the perhaps half-crazy Atheist republican under sentence of death who so coolly took his seat in the Cortes the other day,— Senor Sutter y Cap-de-vila. When he was smuggled......