Strong Drink And Tobacco Smoke. By H. P. Prescott....
—This book does not attempt the task—about the most useless, by the way, of all human labours—of advising or dissuading from the use of the things of which it treats. If it has......
The Story Of Our Colonies. By H. R. Fox Bourne.
(Hogg and Son.)—Mr. Fox Bourne, who is a well-known authority on this subject, gives us in the compass of a moderately-sized volume a variety of infor- mation about our......
Dublin Review. April. (burns And Oates.)—we Have Noticed...
the very interesting and able political article in the Dublin on 'Is Ireland irreconcilable ; or rather, perhaps, on why Ireland appears to be irreconcilable ?' The ablest of......
Architectural And Decorative Designs. Drawn By Enrico...
a handsome quarto volume, the object of which is to supply those who are at work at various "fine-art" productions with appropriate designs. Many of these are taken from ancient......
A Roman Catholic View Of The Walden Ses.* Tile Handsome
volume now before us is an elaborate critical examination by a learned Roman Catholic of the alleged early origin and sufferings from persecution of the Waldenses, and is the......
Current Literature.
Messrs. \V. H. Allen and Co. publish very opportunely a most interesting little volume under the title of the Brahmo Somaj, Four Lectures by Keshub Chunder Sen. Edited by Miss......