16 AUGUST 1940, Page 14


Sta,—I should be grateful if you would allow me to draw your atten- tion to a small factual inaccuracy in the paragraph entitled " Divide et Impera," in your issue of August znd, where there is a reference to a French-speaking " majority" in Belgium.

The figures of the last ten years show that the Flemish and French- speaking sections are roughly equal, with a very slight balance in favour of the Flemish-speaking population. This takes into account the frequent cases of bilingualism where one or other language is nevertheless preferred.

These facts do not in any way invalidate the argument, and many who have worked for the cultural and administrative equality of the Flemish, deplored the existence of the pro-Nazi faction, which has so effectively played into the hands of the enemy, and brought into disrepute a rich and flourishing cultural entity.—Yours truly,