16 AUGUST 1940, page 3

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

Budget has come and gone, opposed on at least four occasions in the division-lobby by rebel members of the Labour Party, who could not agree on items of the Purchase Tax. The......

* * * * Reference Must Also Be Made To

a scene which took place last week when Mr. Austin Hopkinson demanded further enlighten- ment on the activities of the Swinton Committee, protesting vigorously against the......

On Wednesday Mr. Crookshank Introduced An Innocent Little...

War Savings (Determination of Needs) Bill. In response to a pledge given by the late Chancellor that war savings would not be reckoned in assessing needs under Unemployment and......

It Will Be Necessary For The Prime Minister, Whose Authority

alone commands universal respect in the Commons, to speak not only of the war, but of foreign and Imperial policy, when he makes his promised report.......

The Dangers Of Idleness It Is Reported That A Number

of French soldiers who on general grounds would be disposed to support General de Gaulle have declared for repatriation (as they are quite free to do) largely on the ground that......

War - Aims And Peace - Purposes No Subject Requires...

than the ques- tion of reconstruction, international and national, after the war, and nothing will make more for such clarity than the obser- vance of a right distinction......

Skilled Men For War Work

Next week more than a million craftsmen, mostly engage d in engineering trades, are required to register for war - v 70 under an Order issued by the Minister of Labour last......
