16 AUGUST 1940, page 5

* * * * It Is Disquieting To Find Colonel

Knox, the United tales Secretary of the Navy, suggesting that we are ot getting the full truth about British air losses. Let say with all the emphasis I can that there is not a......

I See That Mr. Clarence Streit, The Author Of Union

Now, is getting a plan for federal union between the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Ireland advertised at immense expense in the......

A Spectator's Notebook

I NE of the questions that must. have most exercised the Prime Minister in his capacity as Minister of Defence is e desirability or otherwise of making changes in the highest......

Evidently I Ought To Have Known All About Embussing. As

always, a revelation of discreditable ignorance has produced a wealth of valuable information. Embussing happened in the last war ; so did debussing ; I have found a colleague......

I Know Nothing About What Is Described As " The

controversy between Sir Adrian Boult, of the B.B.C., and Sir Henry Wood " over the broadcasting of the Promenade Concerts, but whoever is to be held ultimately responsible for......

No One Who Did Not Know Dr. Eileen Power Personally

can quite realise what the world of scholarship, and still more the world of human relationships, have lost by her sudden death. Her learning, her mental vigour, her personal......

There Is Something Astonishingly Characteristic About...

pilots. They know all about flying, these Young men, and very little about broadcasting—fortunately. So me of them, I should judge, are far more nervous in front of a .......

Facts About Famine

I T is obvious that the threat of famine in Europe is going to be used as a weapon of war. So far as there may be famine its cause is undisputed. Germany, having precipitated a......