* * * * It is disquieting to find Colonel
Knox, the United tales Secretary of the Navy, suggesting that we are ot getting the full truth about British air losses. Let say with all the emphasis I can that there is not a dow of ground for any such allegation. How, you av ask, can I tell? I can tell because I happen to know rsonally, and to have known for years, many people in official itions whose business it is to know every detail about air ualties, and when they tell me, not as official to journalist, but in confidential unofficial conversation, that our statistics are pulously and conservatively accurate, I accept their state- ents unreservedly. So rigorous indeed is the insistence on ear evidence of every enemy loss that when 6o enemy machines are said to have been destroyed it is safe to assume that at least as many more have been put out of action for some Weeks, if not actually disposed of permanently. * * *