g , THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 76 [A prize of a
Book Token for one guinea will be given to the senaer of the first cot ect solution en this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received nor later than first post on Wednesday. No envelopes will be urened bef, re nom, on Wednesday Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The mime of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 2-Id. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.)
ACROSS x. Hot stuff from South America (2 words) (7, 6).
9. Provide mother with a cos- tume and give her a part (9). to. Not gross thanks, she gives (5).
t. The right cricketer for Lord's (5).
12. Best coal's full of them (9).
13. The essentials of conversa- tion are frequently uncon- firmed (7).
x5. A Scottish source of cash in advance (7).
17. A retiring person (7).
19. He's frightfully keen (7).
21. Inevitably one visits it alone (9).
23. All one, or nearly so (5). 24. Where to find t (5).
25. Light up (9).
26. Individual Ali fastens (13).
DOWN 2. Bag eclair scientifically (9).
3. Expunge (5).
4. This science should help the crossword-maker (7). 5. Particulars about the tenancy are in the postscript (7).
6. A lean and slippered Shakes- perian (9).
7. Praise (5). 8. His saw was drowned by coughing (6).
9. Ran to cirrch in Canada (5)• 14. Only spirited friends could be this, one might think (2 words) (4, 5). 16. Advice to the Minister of Food-probably from a tea- drinker (9).
17. Concerning Musso-but ap-
parently not Goering (6). x8. Little Evangeline goes to
heaven (7).
19. Changing red leaf (7).
20. Pancake in mourning (5).
22. Escape (5).