16 DECEMBER 1837, Page 11



A rise in the value of Public Securities occurred in the cally part of the week, in consequence of the East India Company having lent a considerable sum of money upon Exchequer Rills and India Bonds, and thus to a certain degree relieved the pressure which had previously been felt. A marked change was, however, produced yesterday morning, when the nature of the intelligence from Luxemhurg became known; and some considerable sales of stock were effected. Consols fell about /.1 per cent. ; but later in the day a traction took place, .and the market has now nearly recovered its former quotations,. Although the attack of the King of Holland upon the forest of Grunenwald cleated a seu- whin here, it does not scent to have produced any effect nearer the scene of action ; the price of the funds at Antwerp being higher on Toesdry than they were the day previous. There seems to be little apprehension of any serious warlike operations being undertaken. Dutch Stuck underwet t a similar Iluctu ttion with Consols, and has also recovered to within a littler f the quota- tion from which it receded.

Very little has been doing in the Foreign Funds; and the fluctuat !main them have been limited.

Brazilian Bonds continue in demand, in the absence of any intelfgence from Rio J mak° ; and as the public do not sell their stock, the speeulaters find some difficulty in delivering that which they have sold. Portuguese Stock has been steady ; the Five per Cents. between S.91 and 30k, and the Three per Cents. between 191 and 201. The Five per Cents. 1837 have hem done at 23 and 24 ; and the market may be considered erm at those quotations.

Spanish Stock has been very slightly affected ; and has been qi oted during the whole week at 19e and 20.

South American Bonds have also maintained their last qmeations; and very few transactions of importance have occurred in them. 'the Railway Shares have improved considerably ; London and I irmingbam having been done at 70 mein., and the Quarter Shares at I 7i prem. Brighton are also more than IL- higher, and have been done at 4/. Speeirl tion in this description of security seems reviviter, particularly at Livcrponl d 31anclies. ter; at which places the business has recently been constant and eN ensive.


The recent proceedings at the Bank meeting seem to have entire y dissipated the :deem that existed about the reduction of the dividend upon 1 auk Stock; and 6,6 security has nearly recovered the quotation at which it w:m' previous to the recent fall ; it having to-day been done at 2e8} for Morey, an. at 207 and 208 for the Account. ludia Stock is quoted at 267. The Tv openny Ex. chequer Bills have made their appearance at market, and are m 2s. to 3s. don- the _'4d. inprem. ; the former being 42 to 4i1, and the lam r 46 to 48. ler! tie has berm delete in the Foreign Market. in which prices ai.• nearly the same as yegetday. The Ittilwav Shares are in demand at pre, ous prices; but very little has as yet occurred in them, as the late delivery or letters from Liverpool and Manchester has not yet taken place; and we are k onsequently ignorant of the state of the market at those places yesterday. The South American Funds continue the same.


Almost all descriptions of Senek close at the morning's prices. The heavier description of Railway Shares arm' also the same ; but the 'United Brighton are from 2s. 6d. to 5s. lower. in cosnisreugt uerice of the prices having remained steady at Manchester and Liverpool yesterday.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account gal 4

3 per Cent. Ileemneil 921 x New 31 per Cent. Anna sqlut

Bank Stock 2001 20S

India Slwelt 207 Ditto Bonds 2; pm

Exchequer Bills 41 4- p,.. Belgian 5 per Cents lPassivel i 2

Brazilian 5 per Cents 90 904 Danish Dutch 24 per Cents Port nenece Regency 5 p.Cts Ditto 3 per Cent. Biosiau ( 012.2)5 per Cent Spanish(103515 per Cent Delo red Stock Passive Ditto . . 734. 4 54 Eog 30 20

1104 111 191 204 74 4 44 4