New Liberal Ministry.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 12th December 1137. SIR—it is gratifying to find the possibility of the formation of a Radical ftdministration diecuesed. The more it is the......
The Poor-law And The Corn-law.
THE introduction of the Poor-law into the manufacturing districts may be attended with consequences not contemplated by the authors and supporters of that measure. From causes......
Trial Of Controverted Elections.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—In last week's Spectator, you attributed to Mr. RIGBY WASON the authorship of two letters to Lor d JOHN RUSSELL upon the subject " of the......
From A Parliamentary Return, It Appears That The Annual Cost
of keeping tip St. James's, the Green, and Hyde Parks, is 9,461/ ; Ken- sington Gardens, 1,5521. ; Regent's Park, 3,956/. ; Richmond Park, 4,039/. ; Hampton Court and Bushy......