16 DECEMBER 1837, page 18

Mr. D. Gavin Sewer's History Of The Rise And Progress

of Joint Stock Banks in England, is a brief analytical view of the while subject, as regards its history, laws, and practical manage- ment: the last springing out of an......

The Scenic Annual Is Made Up Of A Number Of

views in Switzer- land, America, and Scotland, by BARTLETT and ALLOM, selected from various publications of' Mr. VtitTeri ; who has been fortu- nate enough to secure the name of......

Progress Of Pub Lication.

THE literary world is still dull. The only novelties of any kind before us are a fiction by Mr. Brambletye House SMITH, entitled Jane Lomax, or a Mother's Crime; a reprint of......

Unirrrsa Mythology, By The Reverend Henri* Cnnistm Es, Is...

a mere dictionary of the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and Romans, but a comprehensive survey of national religions important from their peculiar character or the numbers or......

Lieutenant White ' S Views In India, Edited 111 ? Emma...

SINCE the territory of the Ghoorkas has been added to the Bri- tish possessions in India, the wonders and beauties of the Hima- laya have been explored in various directions by......

Mr.charles Mackay's History Cf London, Is A Pleasant Com-...

of the origin, growth, state, and fortunes of our metro- polis, from the time of the Romans to the visit of Queen VICTORIA on Lord Mayor's Day. The public characters and......