The Scenic Annual is made up of a number of
views in Switzer- land, America, and Scotland, by BARTLETT and ALLOM, selected from various publications of' Mr. VtitTeri ; who has been fortu- nate enough to secure the name of THOMAS CAMPBELL as editor, and a few contributions in prose and poetry from his pen, to enrich the otherwise mediocre effusions that illustrate the plates. We are sorry to see the honoured name of one of our best bards in the front of a rifacimento of this kind : but FISHER'S Scrap-book has L. E. L. for a bait, and VIRTUE'S reward is CAMPBELL. The subjects of the verses are interesting, and the views have a kind of commonplace cleserness, that pleases by its seeming fidelity: we say seeniing,-, because grandeur aiol beauty are essential cha- racteristics of most of the scenes here portrayed, and we have only prettiness. In task-work such as this, even CAMPBELL'S nervous powers must languish: but the verses that open the vo- lume flow freely, though carelessly, and are the offspring of feeling.