16 DECEMBER 1837, Page 19

The eighth edition of J. J. GRIFFIN'S Chemical Recreations is

a sufficient proof of the popularity of this course of experi- mental chemistry, and presumptive evidence of their value. The present edition, however, is entirely rewritten, and so much en- larged that it is in fact a new work. It is to appear in three volumes instead of one : the first part, now published, comprises Chemical Manipulation and Analysis by the Bloupipe; the second will be devoted to A Course of Testing; and the third to Systematic Chemistry : the whole being illustrated by numerous diagrams. A principal feature in this new edition is the author's endeavour to simplify the performance of experiments, and to cheapen the cost of the apparatus; so that practical chemistry, at once the most amusing and instivctive mode of teaching the ele- mentary part of the science, may be studied in schools or by pri- vate individuals, with a small expense. This is an essential service, that will contribute to the progress of chemistry, as well as to the circulation of the author's work.