Captain Spencer has been returned for Midhurst, in the room
of Mr. Poyirtz, who took the Chiltern Hundreds.
There were three candidates` to represent Sudbury, vacant by the re- signation of Sir .Tames Hamilton, who bad been returned against his own consent,—Mr. James Morrison, Sir William Heygate, and Mr. Bailey. son of the Member for Worcester. Sir William Heygate retired, and the contest lay between Mr. Morrison and Mr. Bailey. At the close of the poll, the numbers were—for Bailey 309, for Morrison 255: so tire Tory was elected. The Courier says that by the expenditure of 5001. Mr. Morrison might have secured his election, but be was too virtuous to bribe. Then, what, in the name of common sense, took Mr. Morrison to Sudbury ?
There is a rumour, contradicted by the Chronicle, that Mr. East- hope and Mr. Duckworth intend to abandon the defence of their seats for Leicester.
The Tories must by this time be pretty well satisfied that they will not drive Mr. Bainbridge from his seat (for Tauntou), as they had hoped to do. On Wednesday last, some sixteen Speaker's warrants, on the part of Mr..Bainbridge, were served on various of their most active agents and partisans ; who will certainly find, before the busi- ness is closed, the truth of the maxim, " that there are two sides to a story." If we are not much mistaken, facts will come out before the CoMmittee which will show by what foul means Toryism made suck way at the last election.—Somerset County Gazette.
Mr. Stoner, the Catholic gentleman who contested Oxfordshire with the Tories at the late election, has recently come into property worth 18,0001. per annum.