Ministerial appointments was issued on Tuesday. The selec- tion of
Mr. Lawson Walton and Mr. W. S. Robson as Attorney- General and Solicitor-General confirmed expectation, and gives general satisfaction. Mr. Robson, it will be remem- bered, distinguished himself greatly in connection with the Half-Timers Bill, and has been a courageous and effective advocate of Free-trade. The appointment of Mr. McKenna as Financial Secretary of the Treasury is a well-merited recognition of industry and capacity ; and another promising recruit is Mr. H. Samuel, who is made Under-Secretary for the Home Office. Of the remaining appointments, the most interesting is that of Mr. Winston Churchill, who becomes Under-Secretary for the Colonies. But the best comment on the new Ministry is to be found in the Times of India, which sums up by saying that "it is a relief to know that the best brains are in the highest places."