Wilson Cariiis And The Church Army. By Edgar Rowan. (hodder
and Stoughton. 3s. 6d.)—We cannot attempt to discuss the Church Army ; but we may say something about Mr. Wilson Carina, as Mr. Rowan describes him for us, or rather we would......
Stories From Wagner. By J. Walker Dicspadden. (george G....
and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. MeSpadden's volume of Stories from Wagner makes an admirable and very welcome addition. to the literature of the nursery and the schoolroom. Told......
Hugh Miller : A Critical Study. By N. M. Mackenzie.
(Hodder and Stoughton. 65. net.)—There is no tendency to hero-worship in Mr. Mackenzie. He does not give Hugh Miller more than his due. Where he praises, accordingly, he does it......
The Accomplished Lady Whom We May Be Permitted To Call
" Elizabeth " has the advantage of a sympathetic knowledge of two different civilisations. She can judge their foibles and their merits from the standpoint of the kindly......
In Edward Macdowell ("living Masters Of Musics" Series,...
2s. 6d. net) Mr. Lawrence Gilman has given us a study of an American composer of high aims and honourable achievement. The conditions under which this series has been planned......
/re/ And. Painted By Francis S. Walker, R.h.a. Described By
Frank Mathew. (A. and C. Black. 20s. net.)—This is a charming picture-book of Ireland, with just enough letterpress to explain the illustrations and make the reader feel at home......
A Modern Symposium, By G. Lowes Dickinson. (brimley...
Ince. 2s. 63.. net.)—The Seekers," who were assembled in a certain house on the North Downs, had a very pretty allowance of the gift of eloquent speech among them. A " True-Blue......