[to The Editor Of The "speotatolt.'l
Sr,—With regard to the letter of Mr. Malcolm in your issue of December 2nd, I must express my regret that, writing from bed, I did not verify a reference, though I did not......
[to The Editor Of The "speotatoil”.1
SIR,—I understand that it is proposed to utilise the funds of the Primrose League for the support of candidates at the coming Election. Is this legal without the consent of all......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
SIE,—The fog which enshrouded Mr. Balfour's resignation has cleared. Mr. Austen Chamberlain was right in saying that there was no Ministerial crisis, and Sir A. Acland-Hood in......
The Preservation Of Big Game.
I T is difficult to contemplate without some sorrow the complete extermination of any wild animal. When the beast which has been swept off the face of the earth by the......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:i
SIR,—What struck me as the most significant passage in Mr. Balfour's address to the members of the British Cotton- Growing Association on Monday seems to have escaped the......