[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Yon may perhaps think
it worth while to let the wider circle of your readers know that two medical periodicals, the Transactions of the Pathological Society of London and the Studies from. the Department of Neurology of Cornell University, have recently given evidence that Latin still lives. In the American publication, Dr. C. L. Dana prefixes to each article an abstract in Latin. In the English volume some only of the articles are thus honoured, but in the volume just issued are several specimens, including one of a paper by the accomplished editor, Mr. S. G. Shattock, "de calculo vesicali in sepulchro prehistorico reperto." From the text we learn: "analysis chemica bane substantiam ex acido urico constare probat," which the author explains by the fact that whereas the modern Egyptians eat grain and pulse, " sepulchrorum autem exploratio probat 2Egyptios prehistoricos venatores