16 DECEMBER 1905, Page 22

MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for December

:—The Century, the Pall Mall Maga- zine, St. .Nicholas, the Review of Reviews, Harper's Magazine, the Windsor Magazine, Cassier's Magazine, the Sunday at Home, the Month, the United Service Magazine, the Popular Science Monthly, the Boy's Own Paper, the Girl's Realm, the London Magazine, the Connoisseur, the Smart Set, Chambers's Journal, the Woman at Home, the Corn/till Magazine, the Quiver, the Journal of Education, the Expository limes, the Girl's Own Paper, Macmillan's Magazine, Temple Bar, the Parents' Review, the Gentleman's Magazine, the Treasury, Baily's Magazine, the World's Work, the Art Journal, the Monthly Review, the Indian Magazine, the North. American Review, Sale Prices, the Book Monthly, the English Illustrated Magazine, the University Review, the Expositor, the labbertoock, the Law Magazine and Review, the Author, the Geographical Journal, Cassell': Magazine, Living Races, Harmsworth's Self-Educator, the School World, the Herald of the Cross, the Open Court, the Educational Review, the Canadian Magazine, the Estate Magazine, the Delineator, the Modern Language Review, the Jewish Quarterly Review, the Westminster Review, the Commonwealth, Climate, the Business Magazine, Home and Abroad Atlas, Papyrus, the Naty League Journal, the World of Dress, Stead's Annual, Black and White Xmas, Holly Leaves, the Queen, the Sketch, the Illustrated London .News, the World and his Wife, Lippincott, the United Sen. vice Magazine, the Author, Munsey, the Outlook, the Geographica; Journal, Books and Pictures.