16 DECEMBER 1905, Page 22

Bell (N.), Old Pewter, Svo. . .. .... —_ _


Bianchi. (L), Text-Book of Psychiatry,' 8vo . '''''''''''''''''''' - - gallwlitTe71 net 271% Boole (N. .), Logic Taught by Love Rhythm in Nature and in ma-

tion, or 8v0 (Daniel) net 3/6 Boothby (G.), A Stolen Peer, or 8vo ........ ........ .. ............. .....(F. V. White) 5/0 Bouhey (J.), The Glory of the Lord, or five (Stockwell net 2/6

Breare (W. H.), Elocution : its First Principles, 8vo (Simpkin net 3/6 Brock (W. J.), Sanitary Laws of Scotland, &a. (Gurney & Jackson net 7/6 Cooke (J. T.), Inquiry into the Existence and Nature of Psychic and Nervous Forces, or 8vo (Sealy & Bryers) 2/6 Cornford (L. C.), The Canker at the Heart, cr 8vo (Richards) net 316 Crushton (Hon. Mrs.), History of the Pickwick Bicycle Club, or 8vo (B. F. Stevens) net 10/6 Dixie (Lady F.), Ian, or 8vo (Long) 6/0 Donne (A.), More Peeps into Birdland, or five (Bimpkin) net 36 Douglas (Lady A.), The Blue Bird, 113mo ...... ......(21exlborough Press) net 5/0 Ferguson (J.), Eccleeia Antigua, 8vo (Gurney & Jackson) net 7/6

'I'M (H.), English Domestic Architecture of the 17th and 18th Centuries, 4to (Bell net 42/0 Finch (H. T'.), Edward Grieg, 12mo (Lane net 2/6 Gett46 (W. H.), Lunacy Practice, 4to (Simpkin net 2/6 net 2/6

Geil (W. E.i. The Men on the Mount, cr 8vo Goodman ), Norman Architecture in Essex, 8vo... ....... (falt= net 12/0 Harrison (N.), Manual et Lascari-Hindustani, or 8vo (Imra 2'

Howell (W. .), Text-Book of Physiology, 8vo (Saunders) net 18/0

Isaacson (C. S.), Stories of Greece, er 8vo (E. Stock) net 5/0 Reighley (S. IL), Barnaby's Bridal, cr 8vo (Long) 6:.0

Langdon (A. H.), The Fairies' Jest, & other Plays (Sherratt & Hughes) net 3/6 Le Roy (J. A.), Philippine Life in Town and Country, cr 8vo (Putnam) net 5/0 Little Book of Graces (A), 32mo (Wellby) net 2/6 Ludlow (G.), Sammy Brindley and his Friends, cr 8vo (C. H. Eelly2/6

Masten (H. P.), Hints on Building a Church, 4to (Church Bells 5/0 Maxsted (H. R.). Three Thousand Miles ma Motor Car (Treherne) net 2/6

Methley (A.), La Belle Dame, or 8vo (Long) 6/0 Nixon (L.), Was He to Blame ? cr 8vo (Simpkin) 5/0 Fasten (G.), Social Caricature in 18th Century, folio . ...... .. (Methuen) net 52/6 Powell (G. H.), La France kfonarchigue, Cr Ow (Blackie) net 6/0 Primrose (D.), Beauty of Figure, 18m0 (Heinemann) net 216

Ralston (W.), The Story of the Jovial Elephant, 4to (Simpkin) 3:6

Bawlence (G.), Doings in Dogland, imp 8vo (Drane) 3/6 Recollections of an Eton Colleger, by C. H. IC, 1898-1002, cr 8vo (Spottiswoode) net 5/0 Sahli (D. H.), Treatise on Diagnostic Methods of Examination, roy 8vo (Saunders) net 27/6

Sainte-Benve (C. A.), Portraits of the 18th Century, Historic and Literary, 2 vols. 8vo (Putnam) net 21/0 Should Clergymen Criticise the Bible ? by Various Writers, ier8vo (Nisbet) 3/6 Stolen (B.), A Sicilian Marriage, er 8vo (F. V. White) 6/0

Spurgeon (C. H.), Prayers, cr 8vo (Passmore & Alabaster) 2/6 Tremayne (H.), Reminiscences of a Poor Hunting Man, 12mo (Drane) net 2/6 Wasmann (E.), Comparative Studies in the Psychology of Ants and of Higher Animals, Cr 8vo (Sands) net 4/6

Whitehead (M.), Caleb Troon, or Sy(' (Drane) 6/0 Wildman (IL S.), Money Inflation in the United States, or 8vo (Putnam) net 610

Wilkinson (S.), In the Land of the North', 8vo (Marshall Bros.) net 3/6

Wright (J. C.), In the Good Old Times, 8vo (E. Stock) net 6/0